Tuesday, February 1, 2011

January in Pictures


  1. Is the last pic a snowstorm in a cloud?

  2. Yeah, that didn't turn out so well! It is a picture the little girls next door drew for me... there's a large picture of it a few posts ago (I think three). I still wanted to include it in my January photos.

  3. Wow, your quilt looks like it's really coming together. I remember when you were learning how to do it in MN. Lookin' good ... Suanne

  4. Thanks Suanne! It is so good to hear from you!

  5. You could write a story from these pictures! It would be fun to do one of each month! Aha! New idea!

  6. I like your "month in pictures" theme. I may try it myself. And the dog.
    I think I got here from "Bipolar Diva", but I'm not sure, I'm just bloghopping and drinking coffee!

  7. That is a great Collage, but how do you get so many pictures in it? I think my program only supports 6 pictures.

  8. Looks like it was a yummy month. A month in pictures is a VERY cool idea. Miss you!

  9. Thanks everyone, it was a good month!

    Pidge, I use http://fotoflexer.com/ for my photo editor most of the time... I think you can do 24 photos in a collage. But I guess you could do the same thing by combining several collages to make one large one.

    Kris, Miss you too! Come to Washington and I'll make you a pie! ~grin~

