Monday, February 21, 2011

Today is the Urban Homesteaders Day of Action

Usually, I might say I'm a Vansteader (no trademark)!  Today, I'm an Urban Homesteader! Why? Did we roll our mobile homestead into the city?

No.  Here's why:

A family with a LITTLE HOMESTEAD IN THE CITY is trying to take the *freedom* out of FREEDOM GARDENS! Where is the PATH TO FREEDOM now? Where can we GROW THE FUTURE of URBAN HOMESTEADING?  The URBAN HOMESTEAD is in jeopardy!  We truly need a HOMEGROWN REVOLUTION!

All of the above (in CAPS) have been trademarked... community markets, library programs, and many others others have been impacted by this ridiculous notion that one family owns these ideas.

Please help spread the word and let's take back our words... take back Urban Homsteading(s).

What's this all about?
Well, I think I'll let Granny tell you all about it... she's posted many great links!

What can we do?
We can join the Urban Homesteaders Day of Action!  We can blog about it, mention it in our groups, and sign the petition!

Update: please visit my new Urban Homesteading Page (at the top of this blog).

