Sunday, January 16, 2011

Coupons on the go!

Couponing... you clip the coupons for items you use from the Sunday paper, then take them with you when you shop and save money!  What's not to love?  Well, quite a lot actually.

First of all, I don't read the Sunday paper anymore.  Secondly, how do I get those weekly coupons that come in the mail, when I don't always have a mailbox?  Thirdly, do I really want to use expensive ink for e-coupons? Also, I always forget to use that coupon I brought with me!  These are just a few of the issues I have with using coupons!

Click "add" and the coupon is stored in your grocery store's club card

Okay, maybe *you* all knew this, but I was completely in the dark about all the great modern couponing options that are attached to the little club card you pull out at the check-stand!  Then, a few days ago I was looking for the online flyer for the local Port Angeles (WA) Safeway, and I saw the light!  Did you know that you can view local weekly sales flyers online, then click on the coupons area and load the coupons you'd like to use?  The coupons are then "stored" on your card... so if you buy the item before the expiration date the coupon amount is automatically taken off the grocery bill.  You don't even have to tell them you're using coupons! 

There are many stores that have this couponing option... Fred Meyer is another one that I specifically checked on.

If you don't see all the coupons you want at your "regular" store's site, I also found out there are other sites that will add coupons to your store's card:,,,
I haven't used these sites yet, but I'll check them all out before my next shopping trip.

I don't know if I'll ever be one of those extreme-super-coupon-saving-shoppers, the kind that get their groceries for free and speak in a language I don't understand (with lingo like "price matching" and "doubles"), but it's progress!


  1. Well I'll be jiggered. I had absolutely no idea how much couponing had progressed since the old clip and save days. Of course, I don't get the newspaper!

    My issues with couponing are the same as yours. Then too, I got a little ticked when stores switched to sale discounts for their card holders only. There's no way I'm going to carry around a jillion cards just to get an occasional discount. I have to admit our diet has changed somewhat too. Still, I appreciate the information!

  2. Very interesting. I didn't know about the electronic loading but it does make a lot of sense.

    I stopped using most coupons when I refocused on healthy living. Real food sold on the outside borders of the supermarket or farm markets rarely have coupons. The coupons are for all that packaged food that is essentially fake food with all the chemicals in it. I have even less use for them when I use basic things for cleaning - vinegar, baking soda, borax, citric acid. These things are cheaper than the packaged heavily advertised items with all the questionable preservative & single-purpose brainwashing. Then there is a lot of time saving of not sorting & finding the coupons. But occasionally, I'll come across a useful coupon & I won't hesitate to use it. If I remember.

  3. Excellent blog post! (yes I am biased)

    This is truly great information though, the more ways people learn to save their hard earned money, the less life they have to waste trying to make more! This is a quick way to save some money and extend your resources.

    97 Roadtrek 170P "Taj Ma Trek"

  4. Holy cow! You're kidding, right? I had no idea. Thanks, Heidi. Can't wait to check it out for myself. I always forget to use my dang coupons too.

  5. GREAT information.... you do care if I copy this to my blog and of course give you credit and link back to your blog???

    Karen and Steve
    (Our Blog) RVing: Small House... BIG Backyard

  6. Thanks for the comments. I agree that this may not be for everyone... but I think it can certainly help some people save a little. Karen, you are welcome to copy the information to your blog.

    Thanks for reading!

  7. First, I want to say, I think it's cheap that Mike is commenting his approval of your couponing. His biased opinion is best kept along the lines of his favorite wires and panels, and toolbox. We don't want his testosterone spilling out on our coupon comments. Now, I'm done.

  8. Ha! Well, I think most of the things I'd use coupons for are *his* things! I *love* the produce section, he *loves* the gummy bear and spray cheese section! I think this is the first time he's ever commented my blog! I wonder, is this a ploy to keep the veggies off his plate and the 30-cents-off package of circus peanuts flowing in? hmmmmm! Nellie, thank you for pointing out the anomaly!

  9. Spray cheese??? shudder.

    Mike has commented on your blog before; several times. Your unfailing booster. Always very sweet to you (in print - only way I know him) so I think we can make an exception for him. :-) Besides, he has so many great ideas on vanning, I would never want to shush him. He must be feeling a lot better now (hands clapping).

  10. Nellie, sweet, slightly disturbed Nellie, I am in full support of couponing and saving money :) Especially if it means I can get nummy circus peanuts and gummy bears more often! MMMMMM gummy bears....Now if I could just get Heidi to find me some coupons on wires and panels!!

    Heidi, dear, sweet wife of mine, please remind me who it was that bought the last couple cans of squeeze cheese? Hint...It wasn't me! You have finally seen the light concerning the wonderful cheesy ambrosia that is sprayed from a can, the next step is admitting it to the general public. Come on love, you can do it :)

    97 Roadtrek 170P "Taj Ma Trek"

  11. Oh gosh Mike... i get a double shudder on the squeeze cheese! This is from a Wisconsinite, in the middle of the dairy state with REAL cheese!
    Karen and Steve
    (Our Blog) RVing: Small House... BIG Backyard

