Sunday, October 3, 2010

Vansteading Topics

I took the above picture from Vantramps.  All this talk of vansteading is giving Taj (and I suspect also my husband) nightmares!

I'm going to postpone the blog I had planned for today (on perennial food plants). We're driving through Iowa and we've had spotty internet coverage.  Besides, I wanted to mention the comments section.  Kylie has added so many great links to the comments area; I want to take the time to view them all before posting further.  Thanks Kylie! 

I also wanted to mention that I'll soon be posting about other vansteader topics, such as:
  • Van crafts (e.g. spinning, leather working, quilting, sewing, ...)
  • Preserving food
  • Wood stoves for your vanstead
  • Vanstead designs
  • Continued gardening topics
  • Keeping chickens (shhhhh, don't tell Taj and Mike)
  • Vanstead cooking and baking
  • and much more
I'll be back tomorrow with a new topic.   


  1. You are most welcome Heidi, this is a real passion of mine so was happy to explore the net and share the research, and knowledge.

    Looking forward to doing some more research on the topics listed :)

    If we all share our resources we will create a fantastic VanSteader Community !!!

  2. Looking forward to your next post. Looks like it will be full of good info. Thanks for sharing. Stay safe.

